Vocal education at MHL is based on three primary pillars of the contemporary occupational profile: Music theatre, concert and song arrangement. Fundamental acquisition of competence in all three areas is secured in the bachelor degree - regardless of the profile selected. This knowledge is then tested in the audition for the master degree. Accordingly, upon completing the degree programme, graduates will not only have expanded their repertoire, but will have acquired specialist ability in at least one area and also have developed independent ideas and concepts, particularly in terms of artistic expression. Not only should they be in a position to perform these artistic concepts on stage, but also be capable of presenting such to the uninitiated and experts alike. To achieve this requires a steadfast personality. Following completion of the master degree programme, students should continue to autonomously work on their profile to develop a new repertoire and therefore open up various vocational areas. Given that the vocational profile is subject to significant change, graduates should be able to actively plan and shape their subsequent professional occupation.
The MM VOCAL degree programme detailed here fosters development to a professional standard in the fields of musical theatre, oratorios and song arrangement in terms of both artistic quality and the skills required to pursue an independent career in the music world. In this respect, individual strengths and weaknesses play an important role, which is why MHL is dedicated to providing a broad range of opportunities to gain experience. Highly individual mentoring through intensive one-to-one tuition ensures that, in addition to artistic development, a broad spectrum of competencies is promoted. Seeing themselves as mentors to their students, the major subject tutors are the first point of contact in relation to students’ personal development.
In addition to content on individual vocal and musical consolidation, a compulsory part of the core curriculum centres directly on vocational content regarding music theatre as well as song and oratorio interpretation. Consequently, the vocal professional sphere is addressed and orientation offered for profiling within the accompanying module. The subjects of music theatre, song interpretation and oratorio/concert interpretation may be afforded particular focus in the accompanying module and one of these subjects can be selected as the examination subject. All these subjects are also an inherent component of major subject tuition in the core module. The comprehensive range of elective options also provides greater scope for individual profiling.
Course schedule
You can find a detailed presentation of the course schedule here.