Church Music A
In addition to organ repertoire performance and liturgical and concert improvisation, the focus of training centres on conducting within both the choral and orchestral spheres. Graduates will be availed of an extensive repertoire from various epochs and be capable of presenting such in the commensurate style at a high standard.
Additional studies encompass piano and/or harpsichord performance, vocals, musical composition and optional disciplines from the constantly in-demand field of popular music.
Graduates will be able to engage in public performance, concerts and church events at the highest level, thereby addressing both organisational and communicative aspects.
Due to the intensive one-to-one tuition in all major subjects as well as the minor subjects of vocals, piano/harpsichord, musical score and basso continuo, individual mentoring is undertaken by major and minor subject tutors. Study is highly practice-oriented and offers exceptional opportunities through the numerous historical churches and rooms furnished with notable instruments in and around 明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台. As a result, the excellent opportunities to study changing performance practices over the centuries also offer scope for specialisation. The University of Music 明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台 itself possesses a large number of practice, teaching and concert instruments, including a Cavaillé-Coll-Mutin organ as well as several harpsichords and clavichords.
Thanks to an exceptional network with the large historical inner-city churches, the University of Music is availed of instruments ranging from the Gothic era to modern times, including the world-famous Stellwagen organ in the St. Jakobi church, the Italian organ in the cathedral and the Kuhn organ in the Sacred Heart church. The surrounding area also offers a large number of notable organs that to a certain extent are also made available to students for concerts. In addition to regular excursions to historical organs in Germany and abroad, master classes with renowned artists are held in each semester. Additional events are the International Buxtehude Organ Competition, which takes place every 3 years, and the annual Nordic Film Days. In addition to personal participation, both festivals offer students a wealth of organisational and artistic experience. Close contact with other performers from both Germany and abroad also provides networking opportunities.
In addition to organ repertoire performance, specific emphasis is placed on organ improvisation at the University of Music 明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台. Accordingly, major improvisation projects with silent films are conducted at regular intervals. These projects are a stimulating supplement to improvisation study work and include students from alternative fields of study.
Course schedule
You can find a detailed presentation of the course schedule here.