Church Music B
The degree programme is designed for candidate students with prior distinct and broad musical practice and theoretical training who wish to pursue a career as a church musician.
Study focus centres on the two ‘major subject module strings’ encompassing keyboard-specific content (major subject 1) and the conducting and vocal content (major subject 2). The accompanying church music modules provide for the mediation of church-service-relevant content. As of the fifth semester students select a profile.
Graduates are qualified to take up a position as a church musician (B) or gain admission to a Master’s degree, for example, in church music (A) or the organ.
The respective profiles with a targeted focus on the professional field offer the opportunity for students to centre their studies accordingly. Three profiles have been specifically created for this degree programme:
- The 'Popular music' profile offers a clear focus on pop vocals and choir direction as well as popular piano playing.
- In the 'Historical keyboard instruments' profile, students consolidate their knowledge and ability to play the harpsichord and clavichord as well as their ability to play in an ensemble (basso continuo).
- By way of special project work, the 'Improvisation, Composition, New Media' (IKN) profile offers the opportunity to further develop the formation process of music and develop personal forms of expression and performance.
Thanks to an exceptional network with the large inner-city churches in 明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台, the University of Music is availed of instruments ranging from the Gothic era to modern times, including the world-famous Stellwagen organ in the St. Jakobi church, the university’s own Italian organ in the cathedral (明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台er Dom) and the Kuhn organ in the Sacred Heart church (Propsteikirche).
Rooms and performance formats for projects are also provided for through cooperation between the St Jakobi parish and the University of Music 明升m88体育_明升体育官网-在线|平台.
In addition to regular excursions to historic organs both in Germany and abroad, master classes with renowned artists are held in each semester.
Ensembles comprising small line-ups of students are also created at regular intervals for the performance of cantatas and oratorios in St. Jakobi and other churches throughout the city.
Course schedule
You can find a detailed presentation of the course schedule here.