Music education projects at Moltsfelde Youth Detention Centre
In the seminar of Prof. Annette Ziegenmeyer and Philipp M?hler, Master of Education students design a one-week music project at the Moltsfelde Youth Detention Centre. In the project weeks, which have been carried out twice so far in December 2021 and June 2022, the students have worked with the young people both musically and biographically in songwriting workshops. In the video, Sarah Sieprath and Sandra Becker present the project and report on their experiences.
Teaching Practice Prof. Marno Schulze
In the teaching practice seminar "Make music with us!" students of elementary music education come together with pupils of the Paul-Burwick-Schule, a support centre with a focus on mental development. Under the direction of Prof. Marno Schulze and Philipp M?hler, the students design weekly musical activities for children and young people aged 12 to 18, carry them out and reflect on the shared experiences.
Inclusion Campus 2021
Students of the study programme "Teaching Music" were guests at the Kulturakademie der Vorwerker Diakonie (KAVD) to look at the use of music from new perspectives. Together with the KAVD workshop staff, they experimented with sounds, improvised and composed in various workshops and explored the boundaries between noise and music. They have explored how they can communicate with music and without language and found out about how language and music are connected and influence each other. And they have experienced what it means to be hard of hearing and how music can be experienced without or with limited hearing ability. In the process, they learned to make new experiences together in a group with people with different preconditions and to engage in exchange about them. The students were given the opportunity to get to know practical areas of work in inclusive music education. As part of the cooperation between MHL and KAVD, the Inclusion Campus took place for the first time on the premises and with the staff of KAVD.
Inclusive Band at KAVD
The inclusive band is composed of KAVD staff and MHL students. In the weekly rehearsals, which are part of a practical seminar, songs from rock and pop history are rehearsed. Apart from trying out and arranging the songs for the respective instrumentation, the rehearsal work also includes honing the necessary individual instrumental and vocal skills.